Director’s Corner
Dear Parents,
As we slowly walk backwards out of “COVID Times,” we are also beginning to resurrect some of our long-standing traditions. This month, we are dusting off a big one – Redeemer Art Appreciation and Show. For those parents who have had the pleasure of attending the show in past years, this year will look a little different. However, we are excited to debut some of the wonderful pieces that your children have created during the school year.
The art show will be available for you to view in the Narthex and the Chapel during drop-off and pick-up. It will be a short, self-guided tour of all the children’s artwork. The show will be available to view from April 26th through 28th. We hope you will take a few minutes to enjoy it!
Kathy Bakken
Scheduling Notes
April 13: Jeff Beatman
April 15: Good Friday, CDC CLOSED
April 18: Easter Monday, CDC CLOSED
April 19-22: Spring Picture Days
April 26-28: Redeemer’s Art Appreciation and Show
Dr. Seuss Week!
The first week of March we celebrated Dr. Seuss by dressing up and reading our favorite books. Here are a few highlights in pictures.
What is normal anxiety?
After last week’s near miss by a Tornado, many parents have probably had a conversation or two with their children. Lots of our little ones are still trying to process what happened. Some are probably anxious that it will happen again. In other words, there is anxiety looming.
It’s normal to have some anxiety. In fact, according to mental health experts from On Our Sleeves, a children’s mental health blog, as your child grows they will likely experience stages of anxiety. They include:
Stranger Danger: An infant’s ability to differentiate faces means they now know the difference between familiar and unfamiliar faces.
Separation Anxiety: As a toddler, your child begins to form close bonds with you and your spouse. This stage can be tough, especially if you begin a new childcare routine. According to On Our Sleeves, this can last from ages 1 to 4 years old, however, it can last even longer.
Real Danger: School aged children encounter everything from storms to a bad illness. “They focus on these dangers” but don’t understand the limited frequency with which incidents occur.
Societal Pressure: As a teen, there is common anxiety around social acceptance, academic performance and news from around the world. It’s important to keep an open, non-judgmental dialogue with children at this age in order to help them process their emotions.
For most of the above, it’s important to be aware of what your child is going through, but don’t be overly concerned about behavior. These are phases of discovery and don’t typically impact their daily functioning. If anxiety does begin to affect the way your children function on a daily basis, you might want to seek guidance from your pediatrician or a mental health professional.
Spring Snack Mix
2 cups goldfish crackers
2 cups tiny twist pretzels (or any other savory snack)
1 cup jelly beans
½ cup mini marshmallows
½ cup pastel M&Ms
½ cup juju flowers candies
½ cup malted Robin’s eggs
- Combine your savory snacks (goldfish crackers and pretzels) with your leftover Easter candy in a large mixing bowl and gently toss.
- Transfer to your serving bowl(s) and ENJOY!
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July 25-28, 2022
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