Director’s Corner
Dear Redeemer Families,
This is a monthly newsletter just for YOU! Each month we will share important updates, helpful tips, and more! There will also be updates on what the staff are learning during the development days each quarter as well!
We are so excited you’re here and love having you be a part of our Redeemer family!
Kathy Bakken
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
The Learning Corner
Our littles have lots of feelings. Sometimes BIG feelings. Here’s a space for tips and ideas to help with those feelings.
These tips are helpful for all ages!
To get the best possible behavior from younger kids, experts suggest making sure you’ve filled two buckets – the positive control and positive attention buckets.
“Positive control” gives your child independence and age-appropriate power, which helps eliminate power struggles. And “positive attention” gives your kiddo the love and connection that helps them listen and cooperate.
Use these to help fill your child’s bucket. Is there anything you’d add? – Parents Together