Director’s Corner
The most wonderful time of the year is upon us and there is plenty to celebrate. Most of us will be reconnecting with family and traditions that were put on pause last year. My prayer for each of you is that you focus on the love. The food will be savored because it is made by the collective hands of your family. The fellowship will be warmer because it’s needed more than ever. And the smiles on the faces of children as they see Santa or the lights of a festive house will be just what you need to make your heart grow three sizes.
Happy Holidays and, as always, thank you for sharing your sweet children with us. We are busy little elves ourselves – making crafts that will go on your tree for years to come. We are also learning songs you can sing at home! And, if you are on the nice list, you just might get a handmade gift.
Prayers and blessings for a wonderful Christmas season,
Kathy Bakken
Scheduling Notes
December 17: Free Coffee (7:30 – 9:30)
December 17: PreK Christmas Pageant (details TBA)
December 24-31: CDC Closed for Christmas Holiday
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