Director’s Corner
Dear Parents,
While January found us all talking about a new year, February has us talking about appreciating one another. We want to thank all of the parents that have volunteered, donated, and provided snacks for our Teacher Appreciation Days. Words cannot describe how special it all made them feel. We are truly lucky to have such wonderful parents. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
This month there are some exciting events taking place around Redeemer and we hope you and your family will join us! Screen on the Green is back with Sing 2. It will take place in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30pm on February 26th. There will be popcorn, snacks, and drinks. If you can’t stay for the whole thing – that’s ok! Just stop by and say ‘hi.’ Redeemer’s Children’s Ministry will also be holding a Family Valentine’s Party on February 12 at 3pm. Bring the whole family for an afternoon of music, crafts, games and family photos! Both events are free and open to all.
May you focus on loving one another this month!
Kathy Bakken
Scheduling Notes
February 11: CCPS Closed, CDC open to all
February 17: Jonathan The Juggler
February 25: Free Coffee Friday
February 21: CCPS Closed, CDC open to all
February 28: Dr. Seuss Week begins (see details below)
Join us as we celebrate the love of reading and all of the wonderful possibilities that come with picking up a book. Each day we will celebrate reading in a new and wacky way. In order to prepare properly, we are giving you plenty of notice to dress your child up in their best reading attire!
MIXED UP MONDAY (Feb. 28): Wear mixed up clothing!
TOP HAT TUESDAY (March 1): Wear your favorite hat.
WACKY WEDNESDAY (March 2): Wear your wackiest outfit.
THEODORE THURSDAY (March 3): Dress like your favorite Dr. Seuss Character
That won’t break the bank
When it comes to toddlers, we can overthink fun (thanks to the pressure of Pinterest and overzealous Instagram moms). It’s the simple things that make our kids happy. Here are a few kids tested activities to keep everyone occupied when it’s rainy.
- Bring out the cardboard box: It always happens. You get them a toy and they just want to play with the box it came in! So turn that guy into a train, ramp for cars, an airplane or a cool fort.
- Tape up the doorway: Give them a bunch of cotton balls. Have the kids stick them all over the tape. It’s a great exercise for gross motor skills.
- Shaving cream: This is a sensory activity that smells wonderful! Squirt some on a pan and let them have fun!
- Bowl indoors: Grab a ball and set up a few items to knock down (old soda bottles, paper towel rolls, etc.)
- Create jewelry: All you need is a shoe string, pasta noodles, straws and the will to go out of your fashion comfort zone.
Join Our Family
Apply for this unique opportunity to work with some of the best teachers in the Richmond area. Competitive pay, time-off, benefits and professional development opportunities available.
We’ve seen more than Virginia’s fair share of snow this season. And the hits keep on coming. So instead of making lemons out of lemonade (because, let’s face it, who knows when summer will return) let’s make snow into a sweet treat!
Snow or shaved ice, Sweetened condensed milk, Vanilla extract
Just mix up the ingredients in a bowl and serve with your favorite toppings. Rainbow sprinkles and chocolate chips are fan favorites!
From March 2nd (Ash Wednesday) through April 17 (Easter Sunday), Redeemer will embark upon a 40-day spiritual journey to enrich our faith as we hear and apply Jesus’ words to our lives. Join us on Sunday mornings (8:30am or 11am) or Wednesday nights (7pm) to do the Challenge!