Director’s Corner
Dear Redeemer Families,
Happy February!
It might be cold outside, but the rooms in Redeemer are warm and cozy with excited students! 🙂 This month they are learning all about how to love one another. They’ll also be learning about how things grow and who they are!
A lot of exciting things will be happening this month! One exciting thing is Jonathan the Juggler will be making an appearance towards the end of the month. He is sure to have our students and teachers cracking up with his antics. 🙂
Another learning experience your children will have this month is helping with a service project. The Pre-K classes have already had a head start in helping the community by creating valentines for the Veteran’s Hospital. Mrs. JennieLeigh in the Puppy Class has helped her class and the Owl Class create over 500 cards to send to the McGuire Veterans Hospital. This project helps show the kids that they can make the world a better place by doing something thoughtful for others.
We will be sure to send out more details soon on the ways you can help contribute to the community! 🙂
I hope you all have a wonderful month! Stay warm!
Kathy Bakken
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The Feelings Corner
Our littles have lots of feelings. Sometimes BIG feelings. Here’s a space for tips and ideas to help with those feelings.