Director’s Corner
Dear Redeemer Families,
This is a monthly newsletter just for YOU! Each month we will share important updates, helpful tips, and more! There will also be updates on what the staff are learning during the development days each quarter as well!
We are so excited you’re here and love having you be a part of our Redeemer family!
Kathy Bakken
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
The Feelings Corner
Our littles have lots of feelings. Sometimes BIG feelings. Here’s a space for tips and ideas to help with those feelings.
These tips are helpful for all ages!
“Try this when your toddler won’t listen ⤵️
Say what you WANT your child to do instead of what they shouldn’t do!
🔻“Stop running” becomes “Let’s walk beside the pool”. You may need to go over to your toddler and hold their hand to help them slow down.
Why? 👉 Toddlers live in the moment and lack impulse control. When something piques their curiosity it’s going to take more than a simple “stop that” to break them away from their moment. And telling a toddler ‘not to do something’ doesn’t help them understand what they CAN do instead.”