Director’s Corner
Dear Redeemer Families,
Happy March!
Read Across America week is such a fun way to kick off a new month. It’s been such a treat to see the teachers and students dressed up each day to match the themes! And the Door Decorating Contest? The teachers worked so hard creating fun doors for their students! We love the friendly competition amongst the staff!
Speaking of fun, keep your eyes peeled for that sneaky little leprechaun. He’ll be making an appearance on St. Patrick’s Day and create some fun mischief throughout the school. You gotta look closely! He’s little and fast! Such a sneaky fella!
This month, we will also be seeing our older classes sing in church. You can save the date for March 12th! They’ve been working hard on their songs and we cannot wait for y’all to see their performance!
Hope you all have a wonderful month! Spring is just around the corner!
Kathy Bakken
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The Feelings Corner
Our littles have lots of feelings. Sometimes BIG feelings. Here’s a space for tips and ideas to help with those feelings.