Director’s Corner
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe this is the final month of the school year. For our little ones, there will be just a slight difference in curriculum this summer. But soon, our upstairs will be full of activity as the elementary school children join us for the summer. If your children are staying with us through the summer, we have a lot of fun in store! (see the details below)
Thank you to all the parents and family members who made it into the Narthex during our Art Show. The children have been working very hard on their creations this year and we hope you find joy in each piece. As I was hanging the artwork I took time to really explore each theme. The creativity is off the charts! We have some very creative teachers and students.
I hope you enjoy this wonderful Spring weather and are able to take advantage of the many fun activities throughout Richmond in the coming month.
Kathy Bakken
Scheduling Notes
May 6: Mother’s Day Tea
May 12: 2’s Field Trip To Katie’s Park
May 19: CDC Closes at 5pm for staff meeting
May 20: 3’s Field Trip To Maymont
May 23-26: Redeemer Open House
May 26: 4’s Field Trip To Rockwood Park
May 27: CDC open 6:30 am – Noon
May 30: CDC CLOSED for Memorial Day
June 3: Last day of Preschool
June 6: Summer Camp fun begins!
Preschool Summer Camp Themes
Students enjoyed a visit from Jeff Beatman a few weeks ago. Mr. Beatman visits a few times a year to sing some fun songs and give the children a lesson on different aspects of our community. This particular concert focused on the classic children’s songs. The kids had a blast!
Join Our Family
Apply for this unique opportunity to work with some of the best teachers in the Richmond area. Competitive pay, time-off, benefits and professional development opportunities available.
The temperature has finally gotten warmer and we all want to be outside as much as possible. Here are a few ways to entertain your toddler outside while keeping them cool! The best part about these activities is you can do them without spending a dime. Just use objects around the house.
- SPONGES – Add a few fun sponges to a bucket and put it on your back porch. Your toddler will love filling the sponges up with water and squeezing it all back out.
- FUN ICE CUBES – Save a few of the little tops from baby/ toddler food pouches (or get some pompoms). Put them in an ice cube tray and freeze them. Once frozen, put these cubes on a cookie sheet and let your child play! If they are old enough, they can sort them by sizes
- WATER/ TOY SCOOP – If you have a bucket, a large spoon and a few waterproof toys you can set this out on the porch for your child. They can have hours of fun scooping toys out of the water with the spoon and then dumping them back in!