Director’s Corner
Dear Redeemer Families,
Wow! How is it already the end of the school year? What a year it has been! You all should be so proud of all the things your children have accomplished this year. Every last one of them has grown in some way. Whether they’ve learned to walk, made new friends, understood better ways to express their feelings, or has started to identify their letters, each one has stepped out of their comfort zone this year! It is such a joy to be a part of their early childhood development. 🙂
Now bring on the summer! We have a lot of fun things planned! Whoops! I shouldn’t get carried away yet. I should share about all the fun things we have coming up for the rest of this school year:
– Redeemer’s Teacher Appreciation Week (May 1st-5th)
– Katie’s Playground at Huguenot Park (May 5th – Bunnies, Giraffes, Frogs, + Sharks)
– Mother’s Day Tea (May 12th – for the Owls + Puppies)
– Maymont (May 19th – Turtles + Monkeys)
– Rockwood Park (May 25th – Owls + Puppies)
– Closing at Noon (May 26th)
– Memorial Day – CDC Closed (May 29th)
The last day of the school year will be June 2nd with Summer Camp starting on June 5th! Hooray! Speaking of Summer Camp, we still have a few spots left for our elementary-age campers (Kindergarten – 5th grade). Reach out, if you’re interested!
Kathy Bakken
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The Feelings Corner
Our littles have lots of feelings. Sometimes BIG feelings. Here’s a space for tips and ideas to help with those feelings.