Director’s Corner
Dear Redeemer Families,
You know what November means? It’s time for our Thanksgiving Open Houses! Families are invited to join us for a time of togetherness. It’s always so fun to see the children dressed up in festive costumes while singing songs about fall and turkeys!
In the curriculum this month, one of the core skills your children will be working on includes learning ways to manage different behaviors. When your children are exhibiting positive behaviors, their teachers will be working on acknowledging those behaviors. This will encourage your children to to continue these skills.
Speaking of curriculum, we would love your help with one of the lessons. One of the topics our classes will be delving into is the sense of hearing. During that timeframe, your children will be learning about different sounds and listening to different musical instruments. We would love for any of our parents who are blessed with musical talents to share them with our school. If you’re interested, save the date for November 29th. We will be sending out more information soon!
We are so excited for this festive time and can’t wait to see your children experience this fun time of year! 🙂
Kathy Bakken
October PHOTO Recap
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The Feelings Corner
Our littles have lots of feelings. Sometimes BIG feelings. Here’s a space for tips and ideas to help with those feelings.
“The key to a calm household? A calm parent. When we join their chaos, we can say goodbye to anything getting calmer.
However, when we’re able to channel our inner Zen, what we end up with is this: A brief moment where a toddler is upset. Then the escalation stops there. Power struggle avoided.
Remember, it’s okay for our toddlers to have big feelings. We can accept that meltdown, and not react. The moment will pass MUCH faster if we can remain calm ourselves, surrendering to the stormy moments.
So try this (I know it’s hard, ‘try’ is the key word):
Take 1 slow, deep breath before responding – it shifts how your brain functions and relations and releases some of the calm chemicals.
Name your feeling to yourself – it contains the chaos, even if you just whisper in your mind ‘I’m feeling angry and out of control right now.’
Take a break if you can and narrate it – ‘I’m noticing my body is telling me to take a break. I’m going to sit down for two mins.’
And if you raised your voice, or lost your cool and joined their chaos? THAT’S OKAY. No guilt allowed. We’ve all been there, you’re human. Tomorrow is a new day, and you can repair. Take it easy on yourself – you deserve that.” – Big Little Feelings