Director’s Corner
Dear Redeemer Families,
Fall is officially here! The hallways will soon be filled with autumn-inspired art projects and your children will be learning about all things fall, all while anxiously anticipating the excitement of Halloween.
One of the activities each class will be exploring this month: play dough. Each class will create their own batch of homemade play dough. Then, they’ll incorporate different scents into the batch throughout the week. Your children will use their sense of smell to differentiate between the different scents. They’ll also use their hands to mold and explore the dough, as well as use tools to shape their own creations.
Fall picture day is also right around the corner. Be sure to read further down for more details!
Happy fall!
Kathy Bakken
Back to School Recap
Your children have been busy getting into the swing of things! Learning how things grow has been a theme throughout the school. They’ve done projects with apples, explored garden sensory bins as well as spent time in our school garden, and created art together as a class. Their routines have been established and everyone is settling in to their place in the classroom!
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“Reunion after separation is one of the most important times of the day. Whether it’s after a night of sleep, a day at childcare, or even after they go to a friend’s house for a few hours. Letting your child know you delight in their presence and that you are happy to see them again is so important.” – @OurMamaVillage
The Feelings Corner
Our littles have lots of feelings. Sometimes BIG feelings. Here’s a space for tips and ideas to help with those feelings.
Using these ways to relate with your child can help encourage bonding time and relationship building.